Hello, Builders!

In the bustling world of timber production, even the sturdiest machinery can encounter the occasional snag. 

This Known Issues log is your operations manual, detailing the bugs and technical issues we've identified, their current statuses, and any available solutions or workarounds to keep your sawmills running smoothly.

Our dedicated team is working diligently to resolve these issues. If you come across any problems that are not documented here, please reach out to our support team. 

Your feedback is crucial in helping us maintain the efficiency of your lumber empire.


🪵Game Loading issue 

 Upon loading the game, the screen gets stuck on loading and doesn't enter the game

Working on: We are aware of the issue and are actively working on a fix for a future update.

The temporary solution is to do the following steps: 

1) Connect to WI-FI if you were connected to mobile Internet or vice versa.
2) Restart your device.
3) Clear the game cache in your device settings. Attention, do not clear the game data!
4) Enable or disable VPN.
5) re-install the game. 

Last Update: 03/06/2025