If you are bored playing the event alone, you have a great opportunity to join the leaderboard and compete with other players! You can access the leaderboard by tapping the top left icon on the event page.


All players are divided into leaderboards of 250 people randomly. Earn money, be the best in your leaderboard, and win precious rewards! 

How can I get on the leaderboard?

 You can get into leaderbard after you reach 1st milestone.  You can see your current rating dispalyed on the leaderboard icon.  You need to reach top 150 to get leaderboard rewards. 

How does it work?

The more income you get, the higher is your rank. You can use different tactics in the game or bonuses such as extra logs bonuses, x2 speed or VIP investors offers. At the end of the event, you get rewards according to your rank. 

Please note that there are rank requirements in the leaderboard. For example, to reach rank 50, you need to collect 10aa of  income

What rewards can I get? 
If you tap Leaderbaord Rewards  button, you can see all rewards available for different ranks. Please note that you get rank rewards after event finishes.