Goblins and their levels
How To Play
In the Mine
Permanent upgrades
First Steps
Buildings upgrade
Resources and goodies
Moving to the next mine
Goblin Cannon
What are the Events?
My forge stopped working!
What is the difference between green and gray cards?
The Shop and Bonus Rewards
Spinning Wheel
Free bonuses
What is Treasure Hunt?
Shovels and Digging
Premium Rewards
What do the numbers in the mineshafts box mean?
aa, ab, ac — what do the numbers mean?
Why do I lose everything at the end of a Mine?
How to transfer the progress. Synchronization
How to sync my progress between iOS and Android devices?
The game asks too much private information!
How do I leave feedback and suggestions?
When will my ideas and suggestions appear in the game
Our official communities
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I made a purchase, but I did not receive my game currency or items
What do I get for purchasing NoAd offer?
Playing on emulators
If the ad / ad won't close / ad crashes or freezes the game
How to clear game cache? (Android)
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