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New Feature: Chat
Our new Chat feature brings you closer to the game community with real-time interactions, shared achievements, and exciting rewards. Communi...
New type of event: Rush Event
Rush Events are special, fast-paced events that offer you a chance to earn some of the best rewards in the game. Whether you're looking to c...
New Feature: Transmogrification
Transmogrification is a unique feature that allows you to customize your character’s appearance with a variety of skins. Whether you want to...
Why do I need to update the game?
Our games are constantly changing and evolving. We add new events and do our best to make the game even more enjoyable with each new update....
How do I change my name in the game?
You can edit your in-game nickname at any time:1. Go to Settings by tapping the icon in the upper right corner of the main screen.2. Tap Acc...
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